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With dynamic opportunities for education and impressive networking potential, the St. Louis Society of Association Executives (SLSAE) is your local resource for association management information. SLSAE is the ONLY organization in 

the St. Louis area whose sole mission is to help association professionals like you achieve your professional and organizational goals. We offer many ways for you and your colleagues to connect and engage with other association professionals.

Benefits of Membership

Connecting and Exchanging

SLSAE membership provides access to other association professionals who are experiencing similar issues you are. There are tremendous opportunities for professional growth and to learn from each other.


Meeting program content addresses pertinent association management topics and features top-notch speakers providing innovative ideas that you can immediately apply in your work.


  • Educational Luncheon Programs
  • Earn Continuing Education Credit toward your Certified Association Executive (CAE)
  • CAE Designation Study Group
  • Special Interest Groups for CEOs, Membership and Professional Development 
  • Networking Opportunities
  • Online Forums

What SLSAE Members Have To Say:

“We reinforce the importance of local area connections to our own members. We have our own instrument for similar networking with SLSAE. For me, the relationships that I’ve made through the organization make me a better professional and provide opportunities I would not experience otherwise.”

Liz Peuster, CAE
Director of Communications & Public Relations
 South Carolina Association of CPA's

Upcoming events

Strategic Partners

Associations Now Magazine

Associations Now magazine: Published bimonthly, ASAE’s flagship magazine provides   in-depth reporting, quick tips, and inspiring stories from the association community. It is available to individual members in print and to   all members online. Nonmembers may subscribe.

Learn More >

Associations Now Daily News

The association community’s daily news source covers the business of associations and how associations are influencing, and influenced by, current trends and events. Daily blogs provide opinion and analysis on leadership, technology, membership, meetings, and money and business. Available at and in an email newsletter delivered every business morning.

Learn More >

2650 S. HANLEY RD., STE. 100 | SAINT LOUIS, MO 63144
(314) 416-2250 | SLSAE@QABS.COM

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