Tuesday, February 16, 2021
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
"I feel...frustrated, burnt out, overwhelmed, lost, anxious, and/or nervous."
It is difficult to make confident decisions, work as a team, gather self-motivation, or empower others when we are rocked with these emotions. YET – we still need to get out of bed, the work must get done, and goals must be reached.
To confidently step into the unknown, we need:
- A compass that points to true north regardless of our circumstances
- A mindset for resilience in adversity
- A team for accountability, support, and encouragement toward success.
In this engaging, fun, and thought provoking presentation, Jeff Koziatek will help you reach a higher level of understanding about yourself and regain clarity. Come to get equipped, encouraged, and inspired!
Specific Takeaways include:
- Discover how to find true North
- Identify your foundation cornerstone
- Harness the 3 secrets to clarity in uncertainty
- Fun, Laughter, Encouragement
Lunch Delivery:
Lunch has been so successful, that we have decided to do so again for the February program. So that everyone can satisfy their hunger and enjoy the presentation, socially distanced, SLSAE will order Lunch to be delivered to your location (as long as you are within a delivery sphere). During registration, you will have the option to register with a lunch or without. Deadline to register and receive lunch delivery is Friday, February 12 at 5:00 pm.
2020 PANERA Box Lunch Menu for delivery.pdf
Jeff Koziatek
The Mindset Catalyst
Keynote Speaker, Mindset Coach, Bestselling Author, Engaging Entertainer
11:30 - 12:00 - Zoom Line Open to all for Networking and Visiting
12:00 - 12:05 - Welcome & Announcements
12:05 - 12:55 - Presentation
12:55 - 1:00 - Program conclusion
1:00 - 1:30 - Group discussion of program, Idea Exchanges, Networking
CAE Credit: 1.0 Hours
Administration 6A. Human Resources
Contribute to SLSAE February Charity Connection
Each Month, SLSAE will make a donation to a local charity. You can contribute, by clicking the donation button during registration.
The February Charity connection is: