Tuesday, October 18, 2022
11:15 - 1:00 PM
Program Title: Empowering Diverse Work Teams
Awkward to Awesome: How to Recruit, Retain &
Promote Employees with Cultural Intelligence
How Do Organizations Recruit and Retain Employees Through the Great Resignation? Across industries, employers are being forced to “ride the wave” of the Great Resignation. How do we stem the tide and stabilize attrition? Recent global research by McKinsey discovered that 58% of employees are considering quitting or changing professions.
Employers assume the attrition is because people are looking for a better job, an increase in compensation or better work-life balance. While important factors, the most important reasons cited by employees were not feeling valued by the organization, not being recognized by their manager and not feeling like they’re aligned with the organization’s values.
What Can Leaders Do? If leaders want to reduce attrition, employees need regular constructive feedback, mentoring, opportunities for development and feel that their input is valued. To recruit, retain and promote talent, employees need to feel connected. To create that culture of connection and diversity, leaders need cultural intelligence (CI).
What is Cultural Intelligence? Cultural intelligence is what enables us to be in conversation with a person who has a different perspective or background. As a person develops the skills to show compassion for others who have a different context or experience, they’ll be able to speak and act in ways that show genuine respect. At home this creates more genuine productive relationships; at work this creates more collaboration, innovation and retention because people can bring their authentic selves to work.
In this Introductory Workshop, Participants will:
• Discover the value of creating a diverse organization where everyone feels valued & seen
• Explore the stages of CI that helps and hinders genuine productive relationships
• Learn three tools to increase employee engagement and what to do to start today
CAE Credit: 1.0 Hours

Amy Narishkin, PhD
Chief Executive Officer
Empowering Partner, LLC
To achieve true return on investment and an engaging place to work, leaders must create a culture of safety and belonging.
With a PhD in Adult Education and 30 years’ experience in teaching, consulting, managing and research, Dr. Amy Narishkin is a thought leader, strategist and consultant helping organizations make the shift to Cultural Intelligence.
Dr. Amy works with CEOs, management teams and those who take the lead in organizations to effectively implement the tools for CI, collaboration and innovation for growth. Dr. Amy is also a Certified Administrator for the Intercultural Development Inventory® (IDI®). As a cross-cultural talk leader and successful entrepreneur, she coaches both individuals and organizational teams creating exciting, culturally intelligent places to work and interact. To jump start your CI, you can contact Dr. Amy and read her latest blog post at: https://www.EmpoweringPartners.com/
11:15 - 11:45 - In-Person Check In and Networking
11:45 - 12:00 - In-Person Lunch begins
11:55 - 12:00 - Zoom Line Open, Welcome and Announcements
12:00 - 1:00 - Presentation (NOTE that this is a 60-minute Presentation)
1:00 - 1:10 - Program Conclusion, Reminders and Adjourn
AGC of Missouri Training School, 6301 Knox Industrial Dr., St. Louis, MO 63139