TOPIC: What Happens When Trusted Employees and Volunteers Violate Their Trust
Wednesday, February 22nd
11:45 - 1:00 pm
Join SLSAE for a brown bag lunch and a discussion on Fraud in the nonprofit/association space.
While we expect and believe our employees and volunteers are working in the best interests of our company and organization, the truth is that they may not.
- Trusting employees and volunteers is a necessary risk.
- Why would someone we trust violate that trust?
- What risks do we face as a result of trusting someone?
- What are the costs of trust violations?
- How can we mitigate our risk?
As long as we have employees and volunteers, we will have the risk of trust violations. Join us for discussion about those risks, their cost, and proactive steps to mitigate them.
Chris Murphy, CPA, CMA, CFE
Manager of Client Accounting Services
Swink Coplen
Chris is the manager of Client Accounting Services at Swink Coplen and Company, a CPA firm located in South County.
Chris is a finance professional and business leader with over 30 years of experience in a variety of industries. During his career he has provided controller, CFO, and treasurer functions. Chris is an experienced consultant, coach, trainer, and mentor. He has served on multiple boards where he worked closely with other board members and executives.
He has more than 15 years of experience investigating potential misappropriations of assets, misstatements of financial statements, and adherence to prescribed company procedures.
Chris has been an adjunct professor for over 23 years. Currently, he is on the faculty at two universities where he has taught classes in fraud investigation; personal financial management; financial, cost, tax, governmental/not-for-profit, and managerial accounting; and financial statement analysis at both the undergraduate and graduate level.
Bring your own lunch to the Meeting and have a discussion among peers.
CAE Credit: 1-hour
Domain C: Financial Management